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Printed Sublimation Lanyards 15mm

Printed Sublimation Lanyards 15mm

This Product has a Minimum Quantity of 50

Discount Quantity
QuantityDiscount Quantity Price
50£1.90 each
100£1.40 each
250£1.30 each
500£0.90 each
1000£0.70 each
2500£0.60 each
5000£0.53 each

Product Description

Printed sublimation Lanyards in full colour.  Endless possibilities with artwork. Tones, fading, photographs all able to print on this lanyard.

Min Order 50

Set up @ £45.00

Production Time : 2 weeks

All prices are excluding delivery and VAT.

Please note that the photo of the lanyard is our 15mm sublimation with additional attachments. Please call us for cost of additional attachments


Pricing subject to site of artwork.

Second side print free of charge - based on same artwork for both sides.

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